Initial Consultation: The first Naturopathic visit consists of taking a thorough case history which will take anywhere from 60-90 minutes. Ashley will ask a series of questions in order to properly assess and gain a thorough understanding of the presenting complaint. A complaint-oriented physical exam may also be performed at this time, if indicated. Treatment recommendations will be made, and/or further testing will be ordered where and when appropriate.
Follow-up Visits: Follow-up visits will last approximately 30 minutes. During subsequent appointments you will be provided with short- and long-term treatment plans and Ashley will obtain any additional information which may be relevant to the case.
Fees: as of February 1st, 2025 *As of February 2014, all naturopathic services are HST exempt.
Initial Naturopathic Acupuncture Assessment: $175 (this type of appointment should be booked if you are only interested in acupuncture) Acupuncture (~30 minutes): $95
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture (90 minutes): $180 per session (an initial consultation for appropriate assessment is first required)
*All fees are subject to change in the future.
If possible, please bring a copy of any previous laboratory tests and imaging results to the appointment. This will help save time and it also provides Ashley with a history and more complete understanding of the patient case.
Please contact your insurance provider to see if you are covered for Naturopathic services. Most extended healthcare benefit plans will cover a percentage, if not all, of your visit cost.